Three independent surveys have resulted in the same conclusion. We have to take the Chestnut and the Lime trees down. We will know more about the London Plane when the work starts the week of 16th November.
From our mini-polls we see that you would like the trunks to remain, but it’s a neck and neck race for whether we have a wildlife sanctuary or a sculpture, with an edge for turning the Chestnut into a sculpture. We will confer with the Garden Designer on what will work best and let you know here.
Our next quest is to find out which trees you would like to see as replacements.

Strawberry Tree Arbutus Uneda

Common Crabapple Malus Sylvestris

Common Hawthorn Crataegus Monogyna

English Oak Quercus Robur

Hazel Corylus Avellana

A survey to check the condition of the trees and undertake any necessary action was carried out by an independent contractor of the OPW on 29 September 2020. The full results of this survey are published below.
The key advice is that unfortunately the large Chestnut tree in the photo above has an infection and displays on the two main scaffold boughs. These exhibit excessive crust formations which girdle and compromise tree soundness and tree structure stability. The recommendation is therefore that the tree is removed to maintain health and safety requirements in this public space.
Before we do this, scheduled for the second week of November, we want to get your opinion on the following:
- the removal of the trees so the community can use the garden,
- what creative, environmentally friendly things we can do with the tree remains

Click the links to access our Press Release and the Tree Survey Report