Large function room with artwork on the walls and wooden floor

Donations help us to keep our Education and Museum at Home programmes running, funding the creation of new resources and contribute to keeping people in their jobs at the museum.

Any amount you can contribute is very welcome. Amounts over 250 qualify for an additional 31% of returned tax that the museum can claim on your behalf.

Further information on donations that qualify for tax relief

The following donations to approved bodies qualify for the tax relief:

  • a minimum donation of €250
  • a maximum donation of €1,000,000 in any one year.

Relief will be restricted to 10% of the donor’s annual income if there is a connection between the donor and the approved body.

An approved body may claim 31% tax relief on your donation. They receive the grossed-up amount, net of tax deducted at the specified rate.

If you make a donation of €250, the Hunt Museum is deemed to have received a gross donation. The gross donation is calculated as follows:

€250/(100%-31%)=€362.32. The approved body can claim a refund of €112.32 which is €362.32×31%.

The repayment to an approved body cannot exceed the amount of tax that the donor has paid for that year. The donor is not allowed repayment of any tax that has been repaid to the approved body.

The donation must:

  • be in the form of money or designated securities (quoted shares and debentures) or a combination of both
  • not be repayable to the donor
  • not benefit the donor or anyone connected with the donor
  • not be a condition or connected with any arrangement involved in obtaining a property other than by way of a gift from the donor to the approved body.

Museum in a Garden

You can also still contribute to our Museum in a Garden and get the rewards.

Fund a cobble and support our Museum in a Garden