Communities of Culture Loan Box

For Primary Schools.

The Hunt Museum offers a range of different loan boxes containing an array of handling material, and activity resources, that can bring the past to life in the classroom.

Choice of two loan boxes to choose from – the Northside loan box and/or the Southside loan box. Created by local community groups with activities and workshops relating to the culture and heritage in these areas.

The Vikings Post Primary School Handling Session

Suitable for Junior Certificate and Transition Year Students
Duration: 60mins
Cost €3.50 per student, teachers go free!

This workshop draws on replica objects to help students learn more about Viking history in Ireland. Activities are tailored for a curriculum-linked learning experience for every age group.

Students will also take a tour of the Viking objects in the Hunt Museum’s Permanent Collection.

Loan Box

This is also available as a loan box.

The Hunt Museum offers a range of different loan boxes containing an array of handling material, and activity resources, that can bring the past to life in the classroom.

Contains artifacts relating to Ireland’s Viking age, and the role of the Norsemen in Limerick.


Cost: 30 euro plus VAT for 10 days.


  • Strand: Developing historical consciousness
  • Strand: History of Ireland

Hieronymus Bosch Loan Box

Transition Year and Senior Cycle students

This Loan Box will provide the tools for students to participate in an immersive 3D Virtual Reality experience of The Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch.

Through virtual reality, accompanying lesson plans, discussion topics, and art-based activities, students will learn to critically analyse the Bosch artwork in the context of the Northern Renaissance period.

Included in the loan box is:

  • 2 x Pico Virtual Reality Headsets
  • Digital copy of instructions
  • Digital copy of classroom resources

Visual Art

  • Create Strand (Making, Process, Contextual Enquiries)
  • Research Strand (Looking, Experimenting and Interpretation, Contextual Enquiries)
  • Respond Strand (Analysis, Impact, and Value)


€30 plus VAT for 10 days

Ancient Ireland Handling Session

Relevant to the Junior cycle
Duration: 60 mins
€3.50 per student, teachers go free!

During this workshop, students will use their senses to analyse and evaluate various replica objects. This will enable them to construct historical narratives, and interpret what life was like in the Stone Age and Bronze Age.

They will also take a tour of the prehistoric objects in the Hunt Museum’s Permanent Collection.

Loan Box

This is also available as a loan box.

The Hunt Museum offers a range of different loan boxes containing an array of handling material, and activity resources, that can bring the past to life in the classroom.

This can be used to learn about Ireland in the late Bronze Age and early Iron Age.

Cost: 30 euro plus VAT for 10 days.


  • Strand 1: The Nature of History
  • Strand 2: The History of Ireland

Visual Art

  • Element: Visual Culture and Appreciation, Craft Strand
  • Element: Media, Craft Strand


  • Strand 1: Oral Language


  • Strand 1: The Nature of Science

Environmental Social Studies

  • Section 1: Settlement / Resources
  • Topics: Food, Shelter, Energy, Water, Clothing
  • Option 2: Pre-Christian Ireland

Life in the Bronze Age

For 3rd and 4th Classes
Cost: 3.50 per pupil, teachers go free!
Duration: 60 mins

Created by American illustrator Ingrid Hess, this exhibition is an exciting opportunity for students to thematically explore the objects, and practices, of the Bronze Age in Ireland.

A Primary School workshop is also available. In this workshop, students can investigate the Bronze Age collections on display in the Hunt Museum.

When students handle replica artefacts, inquiry led learning is supported alongside trying out some simple prehistoric technologies.


  • Working as a historian
  • Early People and Ancient Societies
  • Community and change over time
  • Local studies

Visual Arts

  • Drawing & constructing


  • Materials


  • Human Environments

Viking Handling Session

Suitable for 1st – 6th class
€3.50 per pupil, teachers go free!

This workshop is all about Limerick City’s Viking past. Students can examine replica objects such as clothing, tools, and engage in traditional games. Included is a tour of the museum, with specific focus on Viking elements and activity workbooks to support a curriculum-linked learning experience. These workbooks can be tailored to suit each age group.
Online programme also available.

Loan box:

This is also available as a loan box.

The Hunt Museum offers a range of different loan boxes containing an array of handling material, and activity resources, that can bring the past to life in the classroom.

Contains artifacts relating to Ireland’s Viking age, and the role of the Norsemen in Limerick.

Cost: 30 euro plus VAT for 10 days.


  • Strand: Drawing & Constructing
  • Strand: Looking & Responding


  • Strand: Stories
  • Strand: Early People & Ancient Societies
  • Strand: Change & Continuity
  • Strand: Working as a Historian
  • Strand: Local Studies

To book email or call:





Online programme also available: 

Find it here.