Collection & Exhibition Tours

Collection and Exhibition tours for those in Higher Education.

The Hunt Museum offers discounted, engaging guided gallery visits of the permanent collection and special exhibitions for classes from FE colleges and universities.

These seminar-style discussions are led by Museum staff and can be specifically designed to enhance professors’ curricula. Through close observation and guided discussion, students explore art, history, world cultures or museology.

Opportunities are also available to develop collaborative projects culminating in online and gallery-based exhibitions and installations.

For more information please contact Maria Cagney, Curator of Education and Outreach.

Viking Post Primary Online Programme

This digital programme will teach Post Primary Junior Cycle students all about the Vikings. 

Through short animations, a virtual handling session, and a printable workbook (featuring art activities and research topics) students will gain a greater understanding of Viking culture and their impact on Ireland. Students will use both replica and authentic Viking artefacts from the Hunt Museum Permanent Collection as a means to learn more about their lives.

Visual Art:

  • Strand – Art (Element: Critical and visual language, 1.1, 1.2 ; Element: Visual Culture and Appreciation, 1.8)


  • Strand – Developing Historical Consciousness – History of Ireland


  • Strand – Exploring People, Places, and Change

The Vikings Post Primary School Handling Session

Suitable for Junior Certificate and Transition Year Students
Duration: 60mins
Cost €3.50 per student, teachers go free!

This workshop draws on replica objects to help students learn more about Viking history in Ireland. Activities are tailored for a curriculum-linked learning experience for every age group.

Students will also take a tour of the Viking objects in the Hunt Museum’s Permanent Collection.

Loan Box

This is also available as a loan box.

The Hunt Museum offers a range of different loan boxes containing an array of handling material, and activity resources, that can bring the past to life in the classroom.

Contains artifacts relating to Ireland’s Viking age, and the role of the Norsemen in Limerick.


Cost: 30 euro plus VAT for 10 days.


  • Strand: Developing historical consciousness
  • Strand: History of Ireland

Costume Design for Junior Cycle

With this resource, Junior Cycle students can learn about the techniques and processes used to create realistic costumes for film and TV. Students will be taken on a virtual tour of the Best Costume Goes To… exhibition. Students will research clothing from the Viking, Tudor, and Georgian periods using Hunt Museum resources, and design an accessory for a costume from a historical production.

The video below will get you started in the process of researching and designing an accessory for a costume inspired by the Best Costume Goes To… exhibition.

Visual Art:

  • Design Strand


  • Strand 1: Working with evidence
  • Strand 2: Exploring people, cultures, and ideas

Viking Handling Session

Suitable for 1st – 6th class
€3.50 per pupil, teachers go free!

This workshop is all about Limerick City’s Viking past. Students can examine replica objects such as clothing, tools, and engage in traditional games. Included is a tour of the museum, with specific focus on Viking elements and activity workbooks to support a curriculum-linked learning experience. These workbooks can be tailored to suit each age group.
Online programme also available.

Loan box:

This is also available as a loan box.

The Hunt Museum offers a range of different loan boxes containing an array of handling material, and activity resources, that can bring the past to life in the classroom.

Contains artifacts relating to Ireland’s Viking age, and the role of the Norsemen in Limerick.

Cost: 30 euro plus VAT for 10 days.


  • Strand: Drawing & Constructing
  • Strand: Looking & Responding


  • Strand: Stories
  • Strand: Early People & Ancient Societies
  • Strand: Change & Continuity
  • Strand: Working as a Historian
  • Strand: Local Studies

To book email or call:





Online programme also available: 

Find it here.

Viking Online Programme for Primary Schools

Through this programme, students will explore life in Viking Ireland and create some Viking art along the way! It is a digital programme designed for 3rd and 4th class students, consisting of short animations, a virtual handling session and printable activity books. The aim is to provide students with a better understanding of Viking history in Ireland.

Video & worksheet

Students will use both original and replica Viking objects from the Hunt Museum’s Permanent Collection to learn more about their lives.

Watch the video for more information:

Visual Arts

  • Strands: Drawing; Constructing; Looking & Responding


  • Strand: Stories;
  • Strand: Early People & Ancient Societies;
  • Strand: Local Studies;
  • Strand: Change & Continuity;
  • Strand: Working as a Historian

This is also available as an onsite programme.

Find it here.